

Orthodox Kids Paint Studio

Synaxarion Christian Stories

Games about the Lives of the Orthodox Saints


Saint Nicholas in Patara

In Development

Great Martyr Theodore the Tyro

Holy Martyr Savvas the Goth

Great Martyr Christina of Tyre

Available Now

Synaxarion Christian Stories:

Great Martyr Theodore the Tyro

A Warrior Saint who slayed a Dragon.


Available Now

Synaxarion Christian Stories:

Holy Martyr Savvas the Goth

Born in 334, St Savvas the Goth underwent fierce persecution as a Christian.

Available Now

Synaxarion Christian Stories:

Holy Martyr Neophytos

Active around 290 A.D., during the fierce government of Maximos in Nicaea, Saint Neophytos the Holy Martyr worked many wonders and underwent a brutal martyrdom, putting his torturers to shame.

Available Now

Synaxarion Christian Stories:

Great Martyr Christina of Tyre

Learn about the true Rapunzel. Locked in a tower at a young age by her father, he attempted to make her into a pagan priestess.

Coming Soon

Synaxarion Bible Stories:

Acts of the Apostles Part 1

Starting from the Crucifixion of Christ, you play as a disciple of Christ and witness key events in the early Church.

Coming Soon

Synaxarion Christian Stories:

Patrick, Enlightener of Ireland

A slave who became free. No leprechauns. No pots of gold.

Coming Soon

Synaxarion Christian Stories:

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Discover the truth behind the myth.

Coming Soon

Synaxarion Bible Stories:

Acts of the Apostles Part 2

For inquiries send emails to [email protected]

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